No Room for Excuses
So you think that Millenials move fast? Think again!
Check out the unstoppable Generation X in the new SEAT Tarraco campaign. With the brand content created for this 7-seat SUV, SEAT wants to inspire you to keep that hunger for life. No matter your age, or what anyone else thinks; never slow yourself down with excuses.

We age not by years but by stories.

In the 'No Room For Excuses' campaign we connect the physical freedom you feel in a Tarraco with the mental freedom you experience driving this car. We introduce three expansionists. Progressive thinkers that will not settle for less and chase their dreams. Why not now.

With a number of pre-rolls and other shorter edits we seeded on social media, we tease you to check out the three mini documentaries. We also followed our customers to selected cinema’s with a special cinema edit.